
EJ's & Sara's Wedding Registries

In case you were all wondering what to get them.

Crate and Barrel

I think we all know what EJ wants.


Why Kids Should Be Consulted Before Any Piercings

Annette (seeing that Angelynne has noticed Vanessa's tongue ring):  Angie, what does Vanessa have on her tongue?
Angelynne:  Balls.

Geeking Out Over The iPad - Sorta

Austin (with iPad in hand):  I really want an iPad.
Wayne:  So get one.
Austin:  Well I have to buy a vacuum.
Wayne:  Get both.
Austin:  Can't.
EJ:  Which vacuum cleaner are you looking to buy?  A Dyson?
Austin: Yeah, a Dyson.
EJ:  The one with the ball?
Austin:  Yeah!
EJ:  Yeah that vacuum cleaner is so awesome!
Wayne:  Is this conversation really happening?
Austin:  Yeah it really is awesome!  It can really suck.
EJ (with a dejected tone):  I really wanted one but had to settle for a different one.
Sara:  A different one that gets the same job done.
EJ:  But the Dyson pivots on a ball.
Austin:  And it truly has amazing suctioning power.
EJ (doing his best Charlie Brown):  I really wanted a Dyson.
Austin:  I'm getting a Dyson.


Update this people....

I just thought since we all don't hang out or talk as much we should start updating and using this site again.... I'll start by wishing Mehran a Happy Birthday!! Any plans?


Is That Poison Ivy?

That was a question frequently asked as Mehran, Lindsey, and myself continued the new tradition of going out for a post-holiday hike.

Our first post-Christmas hike took place Saturday morning at the Sage Ranch Loop.

This is one of my favorite hikes to take my 5 year old grandson on. It's a short easy hike, with lots of spectacular rock formations to either view or carefully climb around on. There are picnic tables amongst an oak grove, which makes for a nice picnic spot. Highly recommended.
Mehran picked Sage Ranch, saying it was right by Tita Malou's. Ummm... not so much. We actually got a little bit lost driving our way to the trailhead. That's right, we got lost in a car, with printed directions, on our way to go hiking out in the wilderness. Not the best of starts. Granted we got lost because we came to a fork in the road.

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Instead of going left we went right. After a few winding miles steeply up, and after a couple of jokes about just getting out of the car to start our hike, Lindsey finally looked up directions on her iPhone and got us back on track with a newly scratched bumper on Mehran's car. The way over there isn't all too difficult so long as you keep in mind that you'll pass three of the largest white horses you'll ever see. Trust me on that.

So we get there, park, and come to this signpost.

Mehran being the honest man he is, did pay the iron ranger. We make our way up a paved road only to find more parking up there. Also up there is a bulletin board which we took a look at and that look would pretty much define our hike. On that board was a warning to be on the lookout for leaves of three and to leave them be. Apparently poison oak (what we would from then on refer to as poison ivy) is a presence to be wary of when hiking. Who knew?

No longer blissfully ignorant, we stopped at every damn plant we came across, took a close look, counted the leaves, and debated if it was poison ivy. Mehran and Lindsey were pretty adamant that 90% of the plants we encountered were poison ivy while I was fairly certain that none of it was. Yeah, I think we all can see where this is going.

Now poison ivy isn't that big of a deal really because the trails are usually cleared pathways which usually prevents one from coming into physical contact with any of the surrounding plants. Of course, that comes with the caveat that one actually stays on the trails.

Can you see what's coming now?

Long story condensed, we go off the trail; Lindsey and Mehran are extra careful in avoiding any skin contact with plants, which at times meant hands inside of sleeves and arms shielding faces from suspicious plants (every plant to Mehran and Lindsey); me recklessly going through the brush; taking in a view of Simi Valley; spotting a boulder teetering precariously above Simi Valley; and hiking to said boulder before turning back.

I would like to say with sweet irony that it was Mehran and Lindsey who ended up getting a skin rash but there was instead a bitter truth for yours truly.


EJ's Best Man

EJ still hasn't picked a best man and has let it be known that the position is open to all candidates. He has implied if not explicated that he will choose his best man on the basis of how those candidates treat him in the lead up to the wedding.

Unfortunately, Jade and myself have been declared ineligible for this competition by the future Mrs. EJ. It may have something to do with bachelor party ideas that included a boat and taking it out to international waters. Therefore, I'll continue to treat EJ in the same crappy manner as I've always had. But any of the competing candidates should feel free to contact either Jade or I for bachelor party ideas.

Family Talk

Jayden playing basketball in his backyard as Annette and I watch on.

Me: Your kid actually shoots the ball the right way sometimes but he needs to learn how to do it consistently.
Annette: Yeah, my brother actually wants him on his team of 7 - 8 year olds and he's coaching his kids that right now. I wish my dad were still around because all he did with my brothers was teach them how to play basketball.
Jayden: Yeah Mom but he's dead now.


Apartment Warming!

It's been almost half a year and we're finally ready! Come by for FREE food!

Who: Karen & Co, Joni & Co.
What: Read the blog title!
Where: Reseda, CA 91335
When: Noon - 3:15 PM (pending, 3:45 PM the very latest =D)
Why: FREE food! No alcoholic beverages available nor wanted. (We're responsible apartment owners =P)

Notice: Everyone is welcome. However, if you make a mess, then you must either clean up after yourself or help with our security deposit. Thank you!


Crazy Cat Cousin: UPDATE

UPDATE: Austin has already adopted a cat so forget the talking sense into him. The focus now turns to what that cat's name should be. Austin is trying to decide Flo and Chloe. I'm leaning towards a name that makes a statement like, Kitty That Took Away Austin's Manhood or KiTTAAM for short. Any other suggestions?

Austin is considering adopting a cat. Yes, a cat. Can somebody please talk some sense into the guy?