Cousin Bar Night
UPDATE: So it's pretty clear we'll be doing this at a later time. I'm going to suggest now that we do it next Friday at 6pm. Sorry Lindsey, I know you won't be here for that. Hopefully you'll all be able to schedule it in. And yes Austin, this is going into the Google Calendar.
Hey everyone, sorry about the breakdown in communication and the resulting poor planning regarding tonight. The original plan was to meet at the fish and chip place near CSUN probably at around 6pm or so. But due to poor communication on my part apparently nobody was able to plan this into their schedule. I know that Austin has already made other plans and that Annette and Melanie have yet to find babysitters. So we can do one of two things:
1) Those of us able and willing to get together for a drink or two can still do so at about 6pm tonight OR
2) We can push it back to another date when we can get more of us together through better planning and communication.
Let me know soon and I'll update this post accordingly in a few hours.