
UCLA v. Cal


I Stand Corrected

Apologies to Lindsey - sorta. Since I've gotten back from Las Vegas, I've seen not once, but twice, white rice cooked with brown rice. So yes, apparently you CAN cook brown rice and white rice together. Of course, it's best to keep in mind the adage that just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD.*

*I don't know if that really is an adage but I don't have the most recent edition of the adage dictionary on me that I can verify it in. If you have it, feel free to look it up and get back to me.


Happy Birthday Sister!

Got back last night after a near 7 hour trip back from Las Vegas. It wasn't what would be described as a perfectly fun-filled extravaganza - what trip is? - by any stretch of the imagination. But in spending a weekend with them I got to know Karen better and came to know her sister - probably a more pleasant experience for me than they. And best of all, even after what is now 25 years of getting to know her, I came to know my sister a bit more. Connecting with my sister over the weekend got to the point where I was subconsciously adopting her sense of humor by cracking the type of jokes she likes to make - not necessarily something I want to make a habit. In the end I'm happy she dragged me out to the desert oasis.

Happy 25th Joni!

P.S. Aside from the getting to know people better thing, I did take away another memory from this Vegas trip that revived somewhat similar older memories in Cambridge and Hotel Fig. More on this later after I get my hands on the incriminating photos to destroy share.