

My parent's wedding anniversary party is tomorrow (June 14th). The party starts at 6 and please do not forget the dress is business casual. NO Jeans and NO Hawaiian shirts.

Boom De Ah Dah

The following is a lot more endearing if you're familiar with Discovery Channel programming and this commercial.

I love the whole world!


So This Is What EJ Does


Operating a vehicle during a diabetic blood sugar crash can be a dangerous proposition for both driver and others on the road. That's why Medtronic Diabetes developed the M-POWERED concept car that allows a person to constantly monitor glucose levels via both audio and visual cues.
Maybe EJ could get Annette to be a test driver. Hook it up EJ.


Say there's this pill you can take that will make you 10% smarter (better at reading comprehension, critical thinking, sudoku and such) than you already are but to other people you will seem 20% dumber and nothing can change that perception, do you take the pill?*

*Question provided by Chuck Klosterman.

Family News And Notes

It's a busy time for those associated with the Fonaciers. The family calendar doesn't even begin to show how busy (by the way, if you want to help update the calendar please ask for an invite to do so). Anyway, here are the following tidbits that I didn't make a post for individually but still may be of interest.

  • Annalynne is having some sort of graduation from preschool tomorrow at Mason Park.
  • Jayden's school is holding it's inaugural summer carnival from this Friday until Sunday - show up if only to give Annette a hard time at the booth she'll be manning.
  • Oliver is graduating from UC Irvine this Saturday at 1pm - congratulations goes out to Oliver and good luck to him as he pursues his medical degree.
  • Mehran marks the end of his probationary period on June 17th and will commemorate the event by jumping out of a plane - call him if you're interested in skydiving.
  • Roland is rumored to be coming for a visit June 20th - not sure how certain this is hence the "rumored."

Flirt, Tomboy, Or Something Else?

Annette relayed the following conversation she had with Annalynne that she says displays her flirtatious or perhaps, more innocently, her tomboyish ways. It's the kind of story she should be posting herself but for some reason or another doesn't.

Eweiss - Annalynne, why don't you play with the girls?
Annalynne - They're not nice to me.
Eweiss - So why do you play with the boys?
Annalynne - They listen to me and do what I tell them to do.

And this, my dear cousins, is how high maintenance chicks get started.


Darryll's Visit: July 3 - 12

The title pretty much says it all. He and Joni are also in talks about making a trip out to San Diego the weekend right after July 4th at Mark's. I've already spoken to Mishelle (sp?) and she's looking forward to reuniting with Erica - not sure if that's really a selling point to anyone else, probably not.


Whatver You're Into

How many of the sex acts depicted in the following video can you name?

I was able to name only five among the dozen or so acts represented. I'm not exactly sure what that says about me.