Christmas Day
AKA Austin's housewarming party date. That's right, everyone's favorite family McDuck, Austin, is holding his housewarming on Christmas day. Details are scarce - like where exactly his place is - but are sure to be found out at least the night prior. So save the date.
Posted in Austin by W | 0 comments
Lindsey's WishList
I know you all care about me and all want to get me gifts..after all don't forget I am the youngest cousin. Forget the kids... Anyways, here's my wishlist.
by Lindsey | 1 comments
Joni's Xmas Wish List
Dear Santa,
Please feel free to gift one or more of the following items:
Marriott gift certificate $50.00
Orbit optical trackball $30.00
Costco membership $50.00
Thank you very much.
-Jonili Soller
P.S. Please don't get stuck in my electric fireplace (it doesn't lead out to the roof).
by Jonili | 0 comments