I loved it. I was so ready to play the contrarian (although I suppose if I wanted to do that I shouldn't have gone and seen the movie in the first place) and absolutely pan all the hype, but it won me over. This movie is so good on so many levels that it needs to win multiple Oscars.
Of course, what struck me hardest about this film and makes me continue to think about it is that it is absolutely a film about the war against terrorism. There are thinly veiled references to torture of detainees, wiretapping, subverting the judicial process, and the public outcry against the war. Heck, The Joker is explicitly referred to as a terrorist probably just to make things clear to those unwilling to look past the veil.
Anyway, what I want to know is, did any of my cousins see the film through the same prism I did? If so, did it change your views or did it reinforce your views on how we should fight terrorism? Also, did your political bias (assuming you have one) make you hate the movie or make you love it?