
"And That's Why Baseball Is The Best Game In The World"

(AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

That's what Tim Kurkjian says anyway after tonight's rarity wherein the Dodgers defeated the Angels in a "what a game!" type of game. How rare is it for a team to win a baseball game without getting a single hit? Well it's only happened five times now in modern major league history which dates back to 1900.

Coupled with the 4+1 game, what else could baseball possibly have left to show me that I have yet to see? I suppose that's one reason to continue watching.


Could Tonight Be The Night?

I think so.

UPDATE: It was not meant to be.


Birthday BBQ

EJ's parents are getting back Thursday from their much deserved vacation and Uncle Joji says he would like to have a bbq at Mama's house this coming Friday at 6pm to celebrate his 48th(?) birthday. Make it out if you can or risk falling in the Cousin Rankings. See you all in two days.


Cousin Rankings

You know how they say parents should never favor one child over another? Well none of you call me Daddy so what follows is my ranking of the cousins. To be clear, I'm not saying that I'm ranking my cousins in order of "who is better than who" nor am I saying that I hate anyone ranked below Mehran. All I'm saying is that if I had to choose one cousin that I had to hang out with for an entire weekend this is the order I would call them.

  1. Lindsey - A surprise #1 to be sure but she displayed in Vegas that she was up for doing anything or nothing at all. She kinda just goes with the flow. She has also shown an ability to offer insight to my various musings and she can tell a funny story.
  2. EJ - Another cousin who is down for whatever as witnessed by his willingness to play for the family softball team even though he sucks; to his credit, he is getting much better through practice.
  3. Annette - Closest cousin to me in age and I probably share more of a history with her considering we went to the same school on a few separate occasions and she only lives a couple of blocks away. She can also spot a good battery joke quicker than most.
  4. Austin - Underrated by most other cousins I think. He might be higher if I actually thought he would hang out with family. Probably should be lower down the rankings because he wouldn't.
  5. Faye - Might be the nicest of all the cousins - name calling aside. I can't recall her ever saying a mean word about another cousin (a cousin's significant other is a different story). So either she's really that nice or she likes to talk behind her cousins' backs. Either way, whether it's a false sense of security or not, it gives the impression that she has all of her cousins' backs if needed.
  6. Mehran - Hard to peg where this cousin should fall in the rankings. Definitely would have ranked higher before all his troubles started but he is getting passed that and his recent willingness to hang out with family is a plus.
  7. Oliver - Only see this guy on rare occasion and he doesn't talk all that much but when he does it's obvious that he is very smart and funny.
  8. Vanessa - Don't know Vanessa that well but I do know that she likes to have a good time and is willing to change her name in order to do so.
  9. Melanie - I know there's only a four year age difference but Mel has always seemed much more mature than I am and we don't share all that much in common. Maybe if I start my own family she will move up the rankings.
  10. Roland - Basically, this guy gets low cousin status for his near complete disregard of family (saving only his night out with Faye and Vanessa) on his first trip back home since moving out to Florida. I believe the words are "poor form."
So there you have it, don't know if these rankings are going to be updated like other rankings. Anyway feel free to debate these wholly subjective rankings or make your own rankings known in the comments. And I'll totally understand if you all rank me last for doing this.


To Mama's House He Goes

Bruin7089 (10:43:57 PM): i'm bored
Bruin7089 (10:43:59 PM): send jayden over
Bruin7089 (10:44:04 PM): to keep me company
AhhhNNeTTe (10:44:19 PM): dork
Bruin7089 (10:44:33 PM): when are you going to allow him to come over on his own?
Bruin7089 (10:44:38 PM): to like walk or bike over?
Bruin7089 (10:44:54 PM): he knows the way
AhhhNNeTTe (10:44:58 PM): hes in trouble
Bruin7089 (10:45:00 PM): he knows how to cross a street
AhhhNNeTTe (10:45:06 PM): and he has to wake up early
Bruin7089 (10:45:07 PM): i'm just asking
Bruin7089 (10:45:27 PM): like is he old enough to make the walk over from your place to mama's by himself?
AhhhNNeTTe (10:45:58 PM): i dont know
AhhhNNeTTe (10:45:58 PM): no
Bruin7089 (10:46:14 PM): well what other life lessons does he need to learn?
Bruin7089 (10:46:24 PM): doesn't he know not to talk to strangers?
AhhhNNeTTe (10:46:31 PM): kinda
Bruin7089 (10:46:34 PM): he has his own cell
Bruin7089 (10:46:38 PM): can he dial 911?
AhhhNNeTTe (10:46:44 PM): i dont know
So at what age and what survival skills would Jayden have to possess in order for him to visit Mama's house on his own?