
Family Tidbits

  • Roland is making a return visit to interview with Medtronic. A permanent stay in the works?
  • Tita Elma moving in with Mama? Well she's definitely moving out of her current home but no final destination has been picked yet.
  • Tita Linda is here with us until January something, with plans on visiting relatives in San Francisco, and is currently visiting Uncle Joji's.
  • Jayden is having trouble subtracting 29 from 42. "Regrouping is a bitch," says Jayden. That would be an accurate quote if Jayden were cool like that, but he isn't.

Prop 8 Protests

I don't really get it so hopefully someone can explain it to me. I'm not out there protesting any of the votes I made that didn't go my way and in California, that's a lot of damn votes that didn't go the way I would have liked them to have. I'm not out there organizing a protest against President-elect Obama even though I strongly oppose many of the policies he says he supports. Nor do you see me slowing down traffic because Propositions 1A, 2, 3, 4, and 9 went the other way. Don't those propositions have the same importance?

Perhaps it's because Prop 8 affects a minority. But doesn't me being on the "losing end" of those other votes make me a minority?

I suppose one could argue that it is more personal on a emotional level.

I still don't see what good protesting does though, it can't change the votes that have already been cast and counted, which is a good thing. And isn't it a little disrespectful to the political process? At the very least the protesters come off as sore losers. What these protesters should be doing is putting their energies toward something more constructive that will ensure their next attempt at legalizing gay marriages is a successful one. And if trends mean anything, then they should be successful next time.

Austin's Twitter

I swear to god a pack of ducking monkies can run @metrolink better than they can. Fucking idiots I swear.
Well, it is governed by a bunch of government agencies, so what do you expect? Don't tell me you actually expect government to make sure something runs efficiently. You poor, naive socialist.


Happy Election Day!

UPDATE: Save your stubs.

Here is my presidential election prediction.

291 - Obama
247 - McCain

If McCain can somehow take over Pennsylvania and its 21 electoral votes, then all bets are off with either Colorado or Nevada deciding the election. Of course, I could be way off, but I do expect it closer than what the polls suggest and I'm still holding on to a bit of hope that Sen. McCain can pull it off.


Voters' Guide to The Propositions

Most people say the trickiest part for them when voting is deciding how to vote on the various state propositions. So I thought I'd help out by showing how I intend to vote and how the major parties want us to vote.

Wayne says:
Prop. 1 - NO
Prop. 2 - NO
Prop. 3 - NO
Prop. 4 - YES
Prop. 5 - NO
Prop. 6 - YES
Prop. 7 - NO
Prop. 8 - NO
Prop. 9 - NO
Prop. 10 - NO
Prop. 11 - YES
Prop. 12 - YES

Republicans say:
Prop. 1 - NO
Prop. 2 - NO
Prop. 3 - NO
Prop. 4 - YES
Prop. 5 - NO
Prop. 6 - YES
Prop. 7 - NO
Prop. 8 - YES
Prop. 9 - YES
Prop. 10 - NO
Prop. 11 - NO POSITION
Prop. 12 - YES

Democrats say:
Prop. 1 - YES
Prop. 2 - YES
Prop. 3 - YES
Prop. 4 - NO
Prop. 5 - YES
Prop. 6 - NO
Prop. 7 - NO
Prop. 8 - NO
Prop. 9 - NO
Prop. 10 - NEUTRAL
Prop. 11 - NO
Prop. 12 - YES

So there you have it, I disagree with my fellow GOPers on 8 and 9 while I agree with the Dems on 7, 8, 9, and 12. Note the bipartisan support on 7 and 12. Of course, I'm also interested in how you're all voting, so let me know in the comments.

Family Talk

austin (9:02:14 AM): HAHAHHAHA
austin (9:02:19 AM): Darryls costume = hilarious
Bruin7089 (9:02:24 AM): no shit
Bruin7089 (9:02:58 AM): He looks more like Candy Pimp than King Kandy
austin (9:03:04 AM): lol seriously

Thanksgiving Entertainment

Both EJ and Lindsey have requested Rock Band 2. I'll be happy to help oblige, but I was wondering what DLC would you like to play? Check out the list, make your suggestions, and we'll see what can be done. Maybe put up a poll, take up a collection, and select the most popular or something.

And damnit Austin, no Roam. Unless that's what the people want.


Thanksgiving Menu Update

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Updated to include EJ's comment.

What we have:

Mark & Tita Agnes - Turkey
Wayne - Mac and cheese w/bacon (pending successful trial runs)
Annette & Jade - Pansit
Vanessa - Liquor
Tita Evelyn - Tri-tip and Caesar salad
EJ - Mashed potatoes and soda

Another breakdown:

Main Dishes

Side Dishes
Mashed Potatoes
Mac and Cheese w/Bacon
Caesar Salad

Hard liquor

That looks solid to me but still not quite Thanksgiviney enough to be called biggest meal of the year. But we have yet to hear from Austin, Lindsey, Mehran, Oliver, Faye, and Joni. So we're probably going to get there eventually. And what follows is a Thanksgiving wishlist of sorts.

What else we would like to have:
More sides

Another main dish like a ham or a beef roast of some kind for the non-turkey eaters would be nice. More sides are needed (potatoes please). Vanessa is planning on bringing a bottle of hard liquor with a mixer or two, so if anyone else wants something other than that to drink.... Non-alcoholic drinks are needed as well as desserts.