Close Out Game Today
Go Dodgers!
Finish your food!
Posted in 20 Questions by W | 4 comments
I'm thinking about moving out to Texas. Darryll has said he would put up with me for a little bit. I'm also beginning to think that a change of scenery might do me good. It just seems like I've been stuck in a rut and pretty much unwilling to get out of it since taking the bar exam. Perhaps being stuck out there with Darryll and Co. will get me going wherever that is supposed to be. It wouldn't necessarily be a permanent move but that doesn't mean I'm going out there with plans on moving back.
Obviously, I would miss family that is here, which would include not only my mom and my sister but also the rest of you guys, my cousins.
Basically, should I go to Texas and get on with the rest of my life already or should I stay here and somehow, someway (a way and a how I have yet to find after all this time patiently afforded to me) find my way out of this rut I've gotten myself into?
Anyway, no plans have been made yet for me to leave, but I'm seriously considering it and would appreciate advice or any other input whatsoever from you guys because I'd like to make my decision based on as much information as possible and I value what you guys think.
by W | 2 comments
None of that today please.
As for why I love postseason baseball more than any other postseason,
Even if your team wins a baseball game 20-0, you'll suffer at least 24 mini-defeats before the game is over. That's the minimum number of things that can go wrong for a baseball team in an 8 1/2-inning victory. If you want to count each time your hitter gets a strike or your pitcher throws a ball, that bumps the total into the hundreds....I can't put it any better than that.
On a good day, baseball has one-tenth the amount of actual scoring that basketball has – but that doesn't tell the whole story. If baseball counted all its jump shots, hook shots, free throws, dunks and three-pointers in its point totals – not to mention how we hang on the outcome of every single pitch – you'd have a truer idea of just how crazy it is to pin your faith on such an uncontrollable affair.
Posted in Dodgers by W | 0 comments
Which can mean only one thing... the start of the WNBA Finals!
Oh, there's that other little matter too I suppose. Wish we had more secret sauce for today.
Go Dodgers!
Posted in Dodgers by W | 1 comments
(ED.'s Note: Pretty easy to figure this out by the time you read the answer to question #10 and really easy after #18, so if you guess who correctly before then feel free to give yourself a gold star.)
Posted in 20 Questions by W | 2 comments
Austin asked me recently if I would vote for Sen. Obama if he were a Republican. Same views, same everything, just a different political affiliation; my political affiliation. I told him that under those circumstances I would still not vote for Sen. Obama. Anyway, I was reminded of that conversation when I ran into the following.
In a forum on public service on campus earlier this month, Mr. Obama (Columbia '83) and John McCain (Annapolis '58) were both asked about the ROTC ban. When Mr. McCain predictably called on Columbia to "re-examine" the ban, he was predictably booed by a crowd of several thousand students who were watching the debate on a giant TV screen on campus.I would like to add that this Republican would have applauded both of the candidates' answers.
The question was later put to Mr. Obama. "I think we've made a mistake on that," Mr. Obama replied. "I recognize that there are students here who have differences in terms of military policy, but the notion that young people here at Columbia aren't offered a choice or an option in participating in military service is a mistake." The same students who had so lustily booed Mr. McCain, reported the New York Times, were "largely silent" when Mr. Obama gave the same answer.
Posted in Politics by W | 0 comments
(ED.'s Note: Not exactly the most loquacious "interviewee" but it got the job done. Can you guess who this was?)
Posted in 20 Questions by W | 3 comments
And they are decidedly so. 9 out of 10 experts over at ESPN have the Cubs winning the series and Sportsline is giving the edge to the Cubbies as well. Time to prove the experts wrong I suppose.
Posted in Dodgers by W | 0 comments
Posted in 20 Questions by W | 1 comments
Apparently knowing how to cook rice isn't something all Asians know.
Lindsey: you have a george foreman right?
Bruin7089: why?
Bruin7089: used to
Lindsey: cause i want to use mine to cook carne asada but i dont have the instructions
Bruin7089: not sure where that thing is now
Lindsey: lol i think mama gave it to me.
Bruin7089: what the
Bruin7089: 5 - 7 mins cooking time tops
Bruin7089: what instruction do you need?
Lindsey: What temperature?
Bruin7089: i would go on high
Lindsey: Okay
Lindsey: Can you cook brown rice and white rice in the rice cooker at the same time
Bruin7089: no
Bruin7089: they require different cooking times
Lindsey: Ok
Bruin7089: Are you even part asian?
Posted in Family Talk by W | 2 comments
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Scarlett Johansson could easily have been a porn star rather than the mainstream actress that she is?
Posted in ? by W | 0 comments