
Close Out Game Today

Go Dodgers!


20 Questions

  1. What is your favorite word?

  2. Boobies

  3. What is your least favorite word?

  4. The N word.  (ED's Note: "No?")

  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

  6. San Francisco or Chicago. I have never been to Chicago but from what I hear about it, I would love it.

  7. If you won the lottery what would you do with all that money?

  8. I love this question. I think about it all the time. I would retire my parents immediately. After that, I would sit down with a financial planner and plan out how to invest this money into a no risk fund and spend money off the interest.

    To tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't give my extended family anything. I would hate the give a mouse a cookie syndrome to go down. Instead, I would give all my once removed cousins college scholarships.

    As for me: I would love to get several homes. One in the middle of downton San Francisco. One would a beach house of sorts and would be a bad ass ranch somewhere in Colorado. Cars I would love my dream car Shelby GT 500e. I also wouldn't mind a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 (White), and a Ferrrari F430 Spyder (Red).

    Like I have said, I have given this alot of thought.

  9. What sound do you love?

  10. The sound of baseball fans erupting have a home run of sorts.

  11. What sound do you hate?

  12. People scratching black boards. Shit gives me the chills.

  13. What is on your iPod?

  14. The Go! Team, The Black Kids, Blondie, Led Zeppelin, N.E.R.D., Hot Chip, Vampire Weekend, Rilo Kiley, The Pipettes. For more of what I listen to it can be found: http://www.last.fm/user/austinrf

  15. If you have or had a TIVO/DVR, what is or would be on it?

  16. Friday Night Lights, 24, Lost, It's Always Sunny, Seinfeld, and King of the Hill

  17. What turns you on?

  18. Women rocking the librarian glasses.

  19. What turns you off?

  20. Liars

  21. What quality do you most appreciate in a friend?

  22. Friends to keep me as friends even though I am flakey as hell.

  23. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of film would it be and who would it co-star?

  24. Action. I want to be a Jack Bauer bad ass. As far as the co-star would go, I would take Tina Fey. She's hot, funny, and rocks the librarian glasses

  25. What is your favorite curse word?

  26. Fuck

  27. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

  28. Transformers. Pre Michael Bay bullshit movie.

  29. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

  30. Culinary chef. Stupid cooking channel getting everyone interested in cooking.

  31. What profession would you not like to do?

  32. Anything nasty. Cleaning up public restrooms would be the absolute worst.

    (ED.'s Note: Oh, I wouldn't say that would be the absolute worst.)

  33. What 3 things would you take with you to a desert island?

  34. Off the top off my head. A satellite phone, a boat filled with necessary living supplies and sunglasses.

  35. Which 3 people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner and what would you serve?

  36. Spencer (The Hills): I really want to know if he's that big of a douche in real life. Lance Armstrong: Because he's a bad ass and yes he is innocent. Bill Clinton: My political hero.

  37. What would you like said at your funeral?

  38. No one will dress up and everyone will have a beer in their hand andjust relax. The death of me will not be the end of the world and I acknowledge that.

  39. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  40. I want God to refer to me as his homie.


To Texas Or Not To Texas?

I'm thinking about moving out to Texas. Darryll has said he would put up with me for a little bit. I'm also beginning to think that a change of scenery might do me good. It just seems like I've been stuck in a rut and pretty much unwilling to get out of it since taking the bar exam. Perhaps being stuck out there with Darryll and Co. will get me going wherever that is supposed to be. It wouldn't necessarily be a permanent move but that doesn't mean I'm going out there with plans on moving back.

Obviously, I would miss family that is here, which would include not only my mom and my sister but also the rest of you guys, my cousins.

Basically, should I go to Texas and get on with the rest of my life already or should I stay here and somehow, someway (a way and a how I have yet to find after all this time patiently afforded to me) find my way out of this rut I've gotten myself into?

Anyway, no plans have been made yet for me to leave, but I'm seriously considering it and would appreciate advice or any other input whatsoever from you guys because I'd like to make my decision based on as much information as possible and I value what you guys think.

Dodgers v. Cubs

None of that today please.

As for why I love postseason baseball more than any other postseason,

Even if your team wins a baseball game 20-0, you'll suffer at least 24 mini-defeats before the game is over. That's the minimum number of things that can go wrong for a baseball team in an 8 1/2-inning victory. If you want to count each time your hitter gets a strike or your pitcher throws a ball, that bumps the total into the hundreds....

On a good day, baseball has one-tenth the amount of actual scoring that basketball has – but that doesn't tell the whole story. If baseball counted all its jump shots, hook shots, free throws, dunks and three-pointers in its point totals – not to mention how we hang on the outcome of every single pitch – you'd have a truer idea of just how crazy it is to pin your faith on such an uncontrollable affair.
I can't put it any better than that.

Go Dodgers!

It's October

Which can mean only one thing... the start of the WNBA Finals!

Oh, there's that other little matter too I suppose. Wish we had more secret sauce for today.

Go Dodgers!

20 Questions

(ED.'s Note: Pretty easy to figure this out by the time you read the answer to question #10 and really easy after #18, so if you guess who correctly before then feel free to give yourself a gold star.)

  1. What is your favorite word?

  2. Quirky

  3. What is your least favorite word?

  4. Button. Apparently I don't say it right.

  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

  6. Possibly Europe. I still have a lot of place to visit in Europe, so I'm not too sure where specifically.

  7. If you won the lottery what would you do with all that money?

  8. Put the money in some sort of bank account with high interest rates. Let it ride for a bit and then live the high life. Maybe buy out a company or something.

  9. What sound do you love?

  10. Rain hitting the window. It's calming esp when you don't have to go out.

  11. What sound do you hate?

  12. Its a tie. The cats wrestling throughout the night only because we have hardwood floor. Or the alarm clock.

  13. What is on your iPod?

  14. Random songs that I hear on the radio that I like. I have yet to completely transfer my iTunes over to my iPhone. But I do have my favorites like britney spears, kanye west, rise against, john legend, dave Matthews band, and mix CDs people have made me.

  15. If you have or had a TIVO/DVR, what is or would be on it?

  16. Let me remind you I have two roommates so it's not all mine. Gossip girl, two and a half men, the hills, and various football games and movies.

  17. What turns you on?

  18. Massages

  19. What turns you off?

  20. Hand on feet or feet on feet action. I hate feet. I may have to change my major because everytime I touch someones nasty feet I want to throw up.

  21. What quality do you most appreciate in a friend?

  22. Well what I love about my roommates is our openess and honesty with each other.

  23. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of film would it be and who would it co-star?

  24. A movie with julia Roberts.

  25. What is your favorite curse word?

  26. I don't like cursing but I say the f word quite a bit. It's a bad bad habit.

  27. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

  28. I loved the simpsons, however growing up at mama's house and being the youngest I had no choice in what cartoons I wanted to watch. So I watched whatever everyone else wanted to watch.

    And yeah I wasn't really allowed to watch cartoons. But tonight I had an epiphany and my favorite cartoon was Inspector Gadget. (ED.'s Note: Added per Lindsey's comment.)

  29. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

  30. Forensic science...damn csi for that.

  31. What profession would you not like to do?

  32. Teacher...I'm horrible at telling stories and explaining things.

  33. What 3 things would you take with you to a desert island?

  34. Costco, books, and a friend.

  35. Which 3 people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner and what would you serve?

  36. Abby, michelle kwan, and papa.

  37. What would you like said at your funeral?

  38. What I wouldn't want said is the trip to vegas. But I would like people to say nice things about me and their fondest memories of me.

  39. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  40. Welcome..?


A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose Unless We're Obama Supporters

Austin asked me recently if I would vote for Sen. Obama if he were a Republican. Same views, same everything, just a different political affiliation; my political affiliation. I told him that under those circumstances I would still not vote for Sen. Obama. Anyway, I was reminded of that conversation when I ran into the following.

In a forum on public service on campus earlier this month, Mr. Obama (Columbia '83) and John McCain (Annapolis '58) were both asked about the ROTC ban. When Mr. McCain predictably called on Columbia to "re-examine" the ban, he was predictably booed by a crowd of several thousand students who were watching the debate on a giant TV screen on campus.

The question was later put to Mr. Obama. "I think we've made a mistake on that," Mr. Obama replied. "I recognize that there are students here who have differences in terms of military policy, but the notion that young people here at Columbia aren't offered a choice or an option in participating in military service is a mistake." The same students who had so lustily booed Mr. McCain, reported the New York Times, were "largely silent" when Mr. Obama gave the same answer.
I would like to add that this Republican would have applauded both of the candidates' answers.

20 Questions

(ED.'s Note: Not exactly the most loquacious "interviewee" but it got the job done. Can you guess who this was?)

  1. What is your favorite word?

  2. Facetious

  3. What is your least favorite word?

  4. Stupid

  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

  6. NY city

  7. If you won the lottery what would you do with all that money?

  8. Share it

  9. What sound do you love?

  10. A perfectly swished basketball. (ED.'s Note: This probably narrows it down to about 2-3 people.)

  11. What sound do you hate?

  12. Nails on a chalkboard

  13. What is on your iPod?

  14. N/A

  15. If you have or had a TIVO/DVR, what is or would be on it?

  16. Prison Break

  17. What turns you on?

  18. Intelligence

  19. What turns you off?

  20. Lack of intelligence

  21. What quality do you most appreciate in a friend?

  22. Honesty

  23. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of film would it be and who would it co-star?

  24. Action, Wayne (ED.'s note: Who wouldn't want to co-star with the next Paul Newman and star of the greatest film ever?)

  25. What is your favorite curse word?

  26. Arse

  27. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

  28. Transformers

  29. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

  30. Doctor

  31. What profession would you not like to do?

  32. Dentist

  33. What 3 things would you take with you to a desert island?

  34. Lifetime supply of beer, BBQ, Opposite sexed cows

  35. Which 3 people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner and what would you serve?

  36. Bill Gates, Grandpa, Jesus... pizza.

  37. What would you like said at your funeral?

  38. He was never the best, also never the worst, but he was average.

  39. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  40. Welcome!


Dodgers Are The Underdogs

And they are decidedly so. 9 out of 10 experts over at ESPN have the Cubs winning the series and Sportsline is giving the edge to the Cubbies as well. Time to prove the experts wrong I suppose.

20 Questions

  1. What is your favorite word?

  2. Yes.

  3. What is your least favorite word?

  4. Don't.

  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

  6. Somewhere along a beach, preferably a beach here in southern California.

  7. If you won the lottery what would you do with all that money?

  8. Depends on how much money doesn't it? But for the sake of discussion I'll assume it's a fairly large but not a record amount, so: new homes for immediate family, retire the debt of all family members - so feel free to max out those credit cards on the hope that I someday win the Lotto, cars for the cousins - start picking out your dream car now on that aforementioned hope, and 4 season tickets to the Dodgers for the entirety of my life.

    I would also give a chunk of it to the various educational institutions I graduated from (maybe establish scholarships and/or get UCLA to finally renovate Pauley Pavilion and rename it) and invest whatever was left into the stock market.

  9. What sound do you love?

  10. The sound of the ocean.

  11. What sound do you hate?

  12. Keith Olbermann's voice.

  13. What is on your iPod?

  14. I've got Squeeze, Joan Jett, Pearl Jam, The Guess Who, Kansas, Dinosaur Jr., Fleetwood Mac, The Muffs, Presidents of the United States, Alice in Chains, The Donnas, Lacuna Coil, L7, Ratt, Steve Miller Band, Norman Greenbaum, Bob Dylan, Smashing Pumpkins, and The Mighty Mighty Bosstones on it.

    Notice any theme there?

  15. If you have or had a TIVO/DVR, what is or would be on it?
  • Psych - a very funny buddy-buddy show,
  • House - a drama that does comedy better than most sitcoms and I'm in love with #13 and the other hot chick on that show,
  • Entourage - best show about guys being friends,
  • Top Chef - amazing to see what they can do with each challenge,
  • The Amazing Race - the best reality show about various relationships,
  • The Hills - second best reality show about relationships,
  • Greek - hot college chicks need I say more?, and 
  • Friday Night Lights - some of the best acting and writing I've ever seen.

    Really, if I had TIVO or DVR, I would record just about everything so I can watch it all while fast-forwarding past all the commercials and save a ton of time spent in front of the tv but those are the ones I can't miss.

  1. What turns you on?

  2. Confident women who know how to shake it on the dance floor. That and porn.

  3. What turns you off?

  4. Giggly girls. Nothing like a girl who giggles at everything for no reason at all to make Lil' Wayne sad.

  5. What quality do you most appreciate in a friend?

  6. Loyalty.

  7. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of film would it be and who would it co-star?

  8. I don't know if you could pigeonhole the type of movie I'd be in. It would be an action/adventure/drama/comedy/romantic comedy/sports/soft-core porn/foreign/hardcore porn/chick flick. The co-stars would be Jessica Biel, Monica Bellucci, Olivia Wilde, and Malin Akerman, Jack Black, Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Rock, The Rock, Johnny Drama, and others.

    Roger Ebert would give it a thumbs up calling it, "A film that will make you sit on the edge of your seat, laugh, cheer, cry, and just a bit horny. You will find yourself standing up and applauding at the end of this film. Wayne has arrived as the next Paul Newman. The greatest film of not only my generation but of all generations, past and future. An enthusiastic thumbs up!"

  9. What is your favorite curse word?

  10. Fuck, because it's such a strong and versatile word. For instance, "Fuck, that was awesome!" Or "Fuck that sucks." Or "Let's fuck." Or "Fucking Austin."

  11. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

  12. Hard question to answer because I truly believe I grew up in the Golden Age of cartoons. There was nothing cooler than Robotech or the Transformers. But I wouldn't name any of those as my one and only favorite. I would have to say that the classic Looney Tunes with Bugs Bunny and Co. was my favorite as a child.

  13. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

  14. Baseball player.

  15. What profession would you not like to do?

  16. San Francisco Giants baseball player.

  17. What 3 things would you take with you to a desert island?

  18. Hot chicks (can that count for just one thing?), laptop with internet connection - so I can visit all of my favorite sites, and a boat of some kind.

  19. Which 3 people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party and what would you serve?

  20. I would invite the aforementioned Olivia Wilde, Megan Fox, and a mountain ox for obvious reasons.

    The menu for the night would include dishes containing aniseed, arugula, basil, chocolate, coriander, honey, pineapple, oysters, truffles, and wine for obvious reasons.

    And maybe energy bars/drinks for after dinner so we can get it on all night long.

  21. What would you like said at your funeral?

  22. That fucker was alright.

  23. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  24. What took you so damn long to get here?


Family Talk

Apparently knowing how to cook rice isn't something all Asians know.

Lindsey: you have a george foreman right?
Bruin7089: why?
Bruin7089: used to
Lindsey: cause i want to use mine to cook carne asada but i dont have the instructions
Bruin7089: not sure where that thing is now
Lindsey: lol i think mama gave it to me.
Bruin7089: what the
Bruin7089: 5 - 7 mins cooking time tops
Bruin7089: what instruction do you need?
Lindsey: What temperature?
Bruin7089: i would go on high
Lindsey: Okay
Lindsey: Can you cook brown rice and white rice in the rice cooker at the same time
Bruin7089: no
Bruin7089: they require different cooking times
Lindsey: Ok
Bruin7089: Are you even part asian?

Just Wondering

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Scarlett Johansson could easily have been a porn star rather than the mainstream actress that she is?