
Faye's 26th

I heard a rumor that Faye was text messaging people her plans for Saturday night. I don't get text messages and perhaps I wasn't even invited. But anyone care to share the details?


Book Recommendations

Lindsey is asking for them over at her blog. So what are you waiting for? Go over there and start recommending away!

And while you're at it, you can either congratulate her on her grades or tell her you would have gotten straight A's yourself. Can you guess which I did?


Time For Dodger Baseball Anyone?

Joni wants to go to the Sept. 25th game against the hated SF Giants. It's a Sunday 1:10pm game. It's also part of Fan Appreciation Week and she wants to sit in the all-you-can-eat seats in the right field pavilion for $25 which is $10 off the regular price.

So who's in?


All The Cool Kids Do It Now

In case you missed it, I know I did for awhile, Lindsey posted about her new blog the content of which comes all from her iPhone - I believe the kids these days call that mobile blogging or moblogging. Also, EJ has a blog over here which to my knowledge is produced the old fashioned way via laptop. A slightly more comprehensive list of family sites/blogs can always be found off in the sidebar.

Happy reading everyone and more importantly, happy posting to those who do.


Dark Knight

The worst thing about The Dark Knight?

All the shitty Batman movies now being shown and taking up valuable programming space on cable.

Why I Don't Want Kids #1

Scene: Trader Joe'S

Little Girl: I want that Mommy!
Mommy: Who is going to finish the banana nut granola bars if you don't like them?
Little Girl: I will eat them all.
Mommy: But what if you don't like them, then who will finish eating them? Because I won't.
Littler Girl in Shopping Cart: I will!
(Mommy sighs in resignation)
Me: Wow, you just got double teamed on that one.
Mommy: I know, you see how they work?