
AIM Conversation(s)

Bruin7089 (10:20:50 PM): good face usually means good body
Yazzie (10:21:04 PM): I disagree
Yazzie (10:21:24 PM): I think a great body often leads to an okay face
Yazzie (10:21:33 PM): or rather an okay face often leads to a great body
Yazzie (10:21:48 PM): The over compensation is key

Bruin7089 (10:22:22 PM): Face or body?
Bruin7089 (10:22:30 PM): which is more important looking at a chick?
Austin (10:22:36 PM): hmm.... body
Bruin7089 (10:22:48 PM): and are you more likely to find a chick with a good face and good body
Bruin7089 (10:22:53 PM): or the other way around
Bruin7089 (10:23:08 PM): does the good body lead to a good face?
Austin (10:23:13 PM): hell no
Austin (10:23:32 PM): atleast from my own experience people watching, it is easier to find a good body than a good face
Bruin7089 (10:23:47 PM): that's not quite the question
Bruin7089 (10:24:01 PM): or at least i'm not quite getting your answer
Austin (10:24:09 PM): what's the question
Bruin7089 (10:24:18 PM): are you more like to find a good face matched up with a good body?
Bruin7089 (10:24:22 PM): or the other way around?
Bruin7089 (10:24:28 PM): kind of confusing i know
Bruin7089 (10:24:33 PM): but stay with me here
Austin (10:24:38 PM): oh oh i see
Bruin7089 (10:24:39 PM): if you just saw a face
Bruin7089 (10:24:41 PM): a cute one
Bruin7089 (10:24:45 PM): and just saw a body
Bruin7089 (10:24:47 PM): a good looking one
Bruin7089 (10:25:00 PM): which is more likely to match up with a cute other half
Austin (10:25:03 PM): you are more likely to find a good face matched up with a good body
Bruin7089 (10:25:07 PM): ok

Bruin7089 (10:25:54 PM): Are you more like find a cute face matched up with a cute body Or a cute body matched up with a cute face?
Bruin7089 (10:26:00 PM): and which is more important to you?
Bruin7089 (10:26:19 PM): more likely
lindsey (10:26:32 PM): face
Bruin7089 (10:26:44 PM): more important to you?
Bruin7089 (10:26:54 PM): or is that more likely to be matched up with a cute body?
Bruin7089 (10:26:58 PM): or both?
lindsey (10:28:46 PM): god damn thats hard
lindsey (10:28:57 PM): i say cute face with cute body
Bruin7089 (10:29:20 PM): so the cute face is more likely to lead to a good body?
lindsey (10:29:28 PM): yeah
lindsey (10:29:39 PM): usher is a good exampe
lindsey (10:29:48 PM): nice body. but hideous face
Bruin7089 (10:30:29 PM): haha
Bruin7089 (10:30:42 PM): but can't you find examples of cute faces with ugly bodies?
lindsey (10:30:55 PM): not really.
Bruin7089 (10:31:04 PM): hmmm
Bruin7089 (10:31:08 PM): yeah
Bruin7089 (10:31:12 PM): can't think of any
lindsey (10:31:33 PM): well a lot of not fat but a bit overweight girls ive seen have really pretty faces
Bruin7089 (10:31:53 PM): so there you go
Bruin7089 (10:31:58 PM): enough to change your mind?
lindsey (10:34:48 PM): no
lindsey (10:34:54 PM): not enough to change my mind
lindsey (10:35:24 PM): cause they could change their body to be cute
lindsey (10:35:31 PM): its a lot easier than changing your face
Bruin7089 (10:37:39 PM): good point
Anyone else have thoughts they want to share on the subject?

Rumor Confirmed

Roland will be visiting this Friday and leaving Sunday. Plan accordingly.


Tonight's Game

"That was a good game. But not good enough. Not nearly good enough!" - Coach Taylor

That's how tonight's game was for me. Well we certainly lost by less than 16. It was all tied up after the first inning at one to one. Second inning we exploded for seven runs. We then limited them to two runs to make it eight to three in our favor after two full. Not bad for the last place team against the first place team.

Now my memory is a little fuzzy here. I'm not sure if it was in the third inning or in the fourth that we lost our lead but lost it we did. I think both teams scored a run in the third. We were then shutout in the top of the fourth and gave it six in the bottom half to make it 9-10 after four innings of play. We didn't put up any in the fifth inning as well. They scored a few more. Can't remember what we did in the top of the sixth if anything. And then the game was called with two outs in the bottom of the sixth after another run or two by The Red Hots due to time. Not sure what the final score was but we lost by less than ten I believe.

Anyway, the highlights:

  • Homeruns by Mehran, Louis (grand slam), and Brian
  • Everyone on the team got on base either due to a hit, walk, or error.
  • EJ made a fantastic dig at first base to record an out.
Now for the lowlights:
  • Too many walks.
  • Too many ground balls in the outfield getting passed our outfielders.
  • Outfielders not hitting the cutoff man all the time.
  • Jason and Annie getting doubled up on separate occasions.
Really minor things that added up to a loss. But they can be fixed.

Best game of the season thus far for our team but a heartbreaking game nonetheless, considering the team we had a chance to beat.

Softball Team: Round 3

Our third time through the league begins tonight at 7:30. Tonight's opponent are the much hated Red Hots who currently have a record of seven wins to one loss. In our first meeting, we lost 22-4. Second time, we lost 23-6. 24-8 tonight? The goal tonight should be to hold them to under 20 runs and to get into double digit runs ourselves.

As far as personal goals, I'd like to get a couple of extra base hits tonight and have an error free day out in the field. Anyone else want to share their personal goals for tonight?

“What do we pay, and what do we get?”

Occasionally, Austin loves to do an impression of a stereotypical Republican making unsound arguments both to me and to his co-workers. I don't know if he does this merely as a joke or because he truly believes his impression is The Truth and his exaggerated impression shows the ridiculousness of the "true Republican." Anyway, one of the issues he likes to riff on when he his playing Republican is global warming. His stereotypical Republican denies that global warming even exists by blindly denying all of the science backing it up. Of course, Austin's impression is way off the mark and a more accurate position of those wary of global warming alarmists is given here.

(1) anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is real, (2) current projections of its expected impact are wildly uncertain, but are not sufficient to justify the costs of an aggressive emissions reduction program
No denial there that Earth is warming or even that human activity is the cause of that warming. But the real concern is what are the costs. Too often, the costs of global warming policy are only associated with what would happen if we don't do what Al Gore tells us we should do without any consideration whatsoever as to what the costs would be if we did what Al Gore asked us to do. Or as George Will put it,
We do not know the extent to which human activity caused this. The activity is economic growth, the wealth-creation that makes possible improved well-being—better nutrition, medicine, education, etc. How much reduction of such social goods are we willing to accept by slowing economic activity in order to (try to) regulate the planet's climate?

We do not know how much we must change our economic activity to produce a particular reduction of warming.

It could cost tens of trillions (in expenditures and foregone economic growth, here and in less-favored parts of the planet) to try to fine-tune the planet's temperature. We cannot know if these trillions would purchase benefits commensurate with the benefits that would have come from social wealth that was not produced.
Hopefully, next time Austin decides to play Republican, he will make this argument.


Family Reunion II: T-Shirt Design

It's that time again apparently. Any ideas on how the t-shirt should look? A few thoughts to keep in mind:

  • The t-shirt MUST have the words: Reunion, Fonacier, Family, and 2008.
  • Optional words that you may want to include: 2nd Annual, California (or other location - either more general like USA or more specific like Los Angeles), a more specific date than the year 2008, and Wayne Soller is the Greatest Human alive.
  • The t-shirt must be suitable for Fonaciers of all ages, gender, shape, and tastes.
  • The t-shirt must be kick ass enough to wear outside the family reunion.
So any ideas? I need those ideas by the end of the week.