
Poll Result

Here are the results to the question: Who Will Be Next To Have A Kid?

Roland: 4
EJ: 2
Austin: 1
Oliver: 1

I suppose that makes Roland the odds on favorite to have the next kid with the odds for everyone being,*

Roland: 1/1
EJ: 3/1
Austin: 7/1
Oliver: 7/1
The Field: 1,000,000/1

Basically, everyone other than Roland and maybe EJ is a sucker bet. Although with the odds The Field is getting you may want to lay down a buck and hope to get lucky.

*These odds are merely for use as entertainment purposes and are not intended for betting purposes - no matter what the last paragraph above states. By the way, if I've messed up in my calculations of odds, please excuse.

Revised to more accurately reflect how odds are really displayed.

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