

For all of you girl cousins and whatever other female readers this blog may have. What are the 5 essential things a girl must carry in her purse? A question strictly out of curiosity of course.'

By the way, what are the odds that only Faye answers this question?

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7 comments: to “ Question


    1. Tampon
    2. Chapstick
    3. Wallet
    4. Phone
    5. Makeup

    That was actually a lot harder to answer than I thought it would be..


    I'm sorry, but #5 is not an acceptable answer. It's too broad of an answer. What one piece of makeup would you have? Also, #3 is a bit cheap as an answer as well. You can obviously carry things like cash, credit, driver's license, and library card. So answers 3 and 5 present the same problem, in that it could amount to having more than 5 things in your purse.

  • Anonymous


    I agree with Lindsey, that's actually what I carry in my bag. And 3 and 5 are a legit answer because in most cases they are considered to be one thing. For instance, if someone asks you, "what's in your pocket", do you answer, "cash, credit card, license, and random papers" or do you say, "my wallet".


    I'd say, "My wallet, which is carrying my license, credit card, etc..."


    Okay even though I am busy at work, I still manage to respond to most of the blogs. YAY! Okay what I need to have is:

    1. Wallet - because you shouldn't leave home without it.

    2. Phone - my bitch has to call me all the time to check in with me, haha...j/p I need my text messaging, YAY T9 function.

    3. Makeup - You never know when you need to apply more when I go out anywhere.

    4. Cigarettes - bad habit I know, but have been doing it for such a long time. HELP ME QUIT PLEASE!

    5. A Pen - I hate asking to use someones pen because most of the time they never have one when needed. I also got this kewl pen from the Monet Museum and it is suppose to inspire me. Love it!

    I have to much junk in my bag dude! The list can go on and on haha.


    Again, saying wallet and makeup is cheating, it goes against the spirit of the question.

    Smoking kills.


    if the baby is with me...
    1. diaper/ wipes
    2. phone
    3. bottle
    4. keys
    5. debit card/ id

    just me.. which is not too often
    1. keys
    2. debit card/ id
    3. phone
    4. compact
    5. chapstick