
To-Do Tonight

If you have no plans tonight, I believe EJ is hitting up Bootie LA tonight at The Echo. The details are:

Launched in San Francisco in 2003, Bootie was the first club night in the United States dedicated solely to the burgeoning artform of the bootleg mashup. Mixing and matching every conceivable musical genre, era, and style into one big dance party where everyone feels welcome, Bootie provides the soundtrack for the A.D.D. generation - with free mashup CDs given away like candy!

9pm / $5 before 10:30pm, $10 after / 21+
Not sure when EJ plans on going, but give him a call if you want to go. Also be sure to give some of the music a listen. I particularly like The Money Song, Going Back To Dani, and Illiterate City among others.

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