
New Poll

Haven't had one of these in awhile and if you want to be seeing more of these be sure to show your interest in them by voting early and often.

Anyway, how cool would it be if one of us cousins got drunk and married in Vegas?

What next?

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3 comments: to “ New Poll


    Wayne, I'll buy a bottle of Jack, you can bring the coke! I'll make sure Darryll is drunk and take him to the wedding chapel. YOU ARE ALL INVITED! Who wants to be the best man? Do I have any bridesmaids?

    *please note, this will be an informal ceremony flip flops and shorts are ok*


    haha yay!!! I will be a bridesmaid! Can I dress up as a celeb like Madonna or britney spears too? Watch we are going to find Wayne someone to marry also. We will have a quadruple wedding with Annette and Jade too.


    Don't know whether I should be thanking you people for the votes or worried at what I may be getting myself into that weekend.