
Softball Team: Round 3

Our third time through the league begins tonight at 7:30. Tonight's opponent are the much hated Red Hots who currently have a record of seven wins to one loss. In our first meeting, we lost 22-4. Second time, we lost 23-6. 24-8 tonight? The goal tonight should be to hold them to under 20 runs and to get into double digit runs ourselves.

As far as personal goals, I'd like to get a couple of extra base hits tonight and have an error free day out in the field. Anyone else want to share their personal goals for tonight?

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1 comments: to “ Softball Team: Round 3


    Ha Ha! My team has lost the last two games but our opponents haven't scored more than 12 runs. You sure you don't want me to play when I'm out there? 90% of the time I can make it to first base and if I was thinner I could probably make it to second.