Fonacier Family Reunion 2008
I'm a little confused here, which day is the Fonacier Family Reunion 2008 on? I have it marked on the Family Calendar as it being on August 9. But after a talk with Melanie, I became confused as to whether or not I got the date right. So please clarify.
Yes its on August 9th. I was wondering after the reunion if anyone wants to join us for dinner at Joe's crab shack for Jade's Birthday. We might be staying the night out there and be going to Disneyland on Sunday, but I'm sending the kids home with my mom so if anyone wants to go... If so ask EJ about tickets, he can get em at work cheaper...
i'm down, i still have a leftover park hopper ticket from last time i went. yeah idk if tickets from work are still as cheap as they were but let me know if anyone is interested.