
Fuck Those Guys

After last night I have to take issue with Austin's post last Friday.

[T]hey actually let him walk into a crowd of very very liberal protesters. What did they think was going to happen?
Maybe it is too much to expect liberal protesters to act civilly when being filmed and asked questions by a conservative news broadcaster. I suppose it is understandable that the mere sight of a conservative news provider would incite mindless cursing. But doesn't that say something about the liberal protesters themselves?

And if Fox News knew that their presence would have that effect were they not merely shedding some light on who these protesters really were? Regardless of whether they knew what was going to happen, wasn't Fox News giving those protesters an opportunity to spread their messages to an audience that, while admittedly an audience that may not have been all that receptive to those messages, may have not yet heard those messages?

I mean really, would you have expected somebody like the Rev. King to have acted like that in front of a camera only because it said Fox News on it?

Of course, Austin may have just been worried about the safety of the Fox News correspondent rather than how the liberal protesters were portrayed - and by portrayed I mean shown as to how they actually are. For all I know, Austin, as would all respectable liberals, would rather disassociate himself from those dumb fuck protesters which is probably why he calls them "very very liberal protesters". Austin seems to say a very liberal protester wouldn't do that not the very least a mere liberal protester.

I only bring this up because liberal protesters showed up yet again, but this time during Sen. McCain's acceptance as they tried to disrupt it. Which leads to at least one question,
When was the last time conservative activists broke into a Democratic National Convention to disrupt the acceptance speech by their Presidential candidate? Ever? Just wondering."
Apparently, the "very very" conservative protesters always have something better to do during the DNC.

What next?

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