
Thanksgiving Update

Updated to include what Faye and Roland have promised to bring. That only leaves Joni, Mehran, and Oliver who have yet to say what they'll bring.

Turkey - Mark & Tita Agnes
Tri-Tip - Tita Evelyn
Vegetable Casserole - Faye
Pansit - Jade & Annette
Arroz Caldo - Mama & Lindsey
Mashed Potatoes - EJ
Mac & Cheese - still trying to find the right recipe
Caesar Salad - Tita Evelyn
Balut - Jade & Annette
Stuffing - Faye
Drinks - Vanessa has the liquor and Roland thought it was the easiest thing to bring so he'll be bringing drinks of some sort.
Desserts - Austin and Faye have promised us desserts and I'm thinking of providing one as well.

What next?

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