
June Happenings


So what are the June happenings? Specifically, when is this 25th anniversary thing. We are probably skipping Vegas so we can come for a week in June, right now that would be the last week of June (about 20th - 27th) with our only wish to play in one of the family softball games.

What next?

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3 comments: to “ June Happenings


    What 25th anniversary thing? Never heard of that one. I checked the family calendar (
    http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=trfv61fhrnqp9bu6s3aag49a8g%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles ) and other than a softball game I don't see anything else happening that particular week. Any way you can change that to a more eventful week?


    I think he is talking about Uncle Wilson and Tita Cindy's wedding anniversary.


    I believe the date is June 14th. Its the Saturday before Father's Day. June 7th is Annalynnes 4th Birthday Party. Not much going on in June but the kids will be on Summer break when you get out here. You should try to get out here 4th of July week. I believe 4th of July will be in Pasadena again since it falls on a Friday this year...