
Softball Tip

Throwing a softball.

A summary of the tips:

  • A circular motion will aid your throw by providing more natural momentum than simply bringing your arm straight back and then forward.
    • If you are playing outfield you will almost always be making a longer throw, so when you remove the ball from your glove, your arm and hand should drop down and by your back knee.
    • If you are making a shorter throw in the infield for example, you may take the ball out of your glove and move it back and down slightly.
  • When throwing you want your front shoulder to point in the direction of where you are throwing.
  • Your back foot should be perpendicular to the target and your hips should be closed and also pointing in the direction of the target.
  • Once you have everything lined up, you'll want to step toward the target with your lead foot, push off your back leg, and throw the ball using your entire body.

Check the link for details and some instructional images.

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