Men And Baby Showers
Traditionally, a baby shower is held only for the mother-to-be, and only women attend. However, in recent times, men are also starting to participate in a couples baby showers.And from About.com:
Many men are entering the realm of baby showers these days. The Couples shower is an appropriate way to celebrate a new baby. While this is a new tradition many men are enjoying these get togethers, as are women.And from Baby Shower 101:
Traditionally men were not invited to baby showers since it was a woman oriented party, however it was common for the man to show up at the end to help his wife with the presents. Today, many things have changed and it is absolutely okay for the men to be a part of the baby shower, in many cases couples parties or the husband coming at the end of the baby shower with his friends.And finally from EJ's birthday party:
Men should definitely be a part of baby showers! They shouldn't only be invited but they should WANT to attend - BLAH BLAH BLAH - and they SHOULD be there - BLAH BLAH BLAH - it's an act of support - BLAH BLAH BLAH - and I want all the gifts I can get!I'm probably paraphrasing there but I think you get the gist of it. The gist being that men are now expected to attend baby showers these days.
I've got a couple of questions regarding this with the foremost being why did we as a society go from not even inviting men to baby showers to expecting them to attend? What changed between then and now to change the attitudes toward baby showers? Are men giving birth now?
And why would women want men there to begin with? After all,
The only drawback for men being a part of the baby shower is the atmosphere changing. That is, us girls may not be as "girly" and sentimental when the men are there....I would say that's a pretty damn big drawback and I would argue that one of the original purposes of a baby shower was to have a "girly" and "sentimental" party. So when did that attitude change? Is it that women want less girly baby showers? Or did they think they could keep a baby shower girly even if they asked men to be present? Which raises yet another question.
Just like shit being on a plate doesn't mean we have to eat it, men didn't have to attend baby showers just because women wanted us there.
Why did men start going - either willingly or unwillingly because it doesn't matter - to baby showers? I mean I've always seen baby showers as girly a thing as wearing sexy lingerie. Are men now wearing sexy lingerie? Am I that far behind the times? Seriously, what kind of a man goes to a baby shower? What man thought tasting baby food and guessing its flavor was a good way to spend a weekend afternoon?
Until all these questions have been answered in a persuasive manner, I'm calling for all men to boycott baby showers. Be a man, don't go to baby showers!
Yea I am not attending any baby shower... period.
I wouldn't say that men are expected to attend, but they are also not totally ostracized either. I think it's a personal choice.
I'm saying that men should be ostracized and that women should really make the baby shower all about women and their unique role as mothers or potential mothers.
And if men really want to celebrate fatherhood then we should feel free to have our own men's only baby shower. Of course, it would go by a different name, say Golf Day or something like that.
As for men being expected to attend, most of the girls - almost all of them in their 20s - I spoke to expressly stated that they thought men should be there. Not only that, but just about all of them didn't even know that traditionally the baby shower was a woman only event. That leads me to believe that it's not so much trending from women only to co-ed, but that the trend has become a near complete transformation of the baby shower.