
Prop 8 Protests

I don't really get it so hopefully someone can explain it to me. I'm not out there protesting any of the votes I made that didn't go my way and in California, that's a lot of damn votes that didn't go the way I would have liked them to have. I'm not out there organizing a protest against President-elect Obama even though I strongly oppose many of the policies he says he supports. Nor do you see me slowing down traffic because Propositions 1A, 2, 3, 4, and 9 went the other way. Don't those propositions have the same importance?

Perhaps it's because Prop 8 affects a minority. But doesn't me being on the "losing end" of those other votes make me a minority?

I suppose one could argue that it is more personal on a emotional level.

I still don't see what good protesting does though, it can't change the votes that have already been cast and counted, which is a good thing. And isn't it a little disrespectful to the political process? At the very least the protesters come off as sore losers. What these protesters should be doing is putting their energies toward something more constructive that will ensure their next attempt at legalizing gay marriages is a successful one. And if trends mean anything, then they should be successful next time.

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