
Thanksgiving Menu Update

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Updated to include EJ's comment.

What we have:

Mark & Tita Agnes - Turkey
Wayne - Mac and cheese w/bacon (pending successful trial runs)
Annette & Jade - Pansit
Vanessa - Liquor
Tita Evelyn - Tri-tip and Caesar salad
EJ - Mashed potatoes and soda

Another breakdown:

Main Dishes

Side Dishes
Mashed Potatoes
Mac and Cheese w/Bacon
Caesar Salad

Hard liquor

That looks solid to me but still not quite Thanksgiviney enough to be called biggest meal of the year. But we have yet to hear from Austin, Lindsey, Mehran, Oliver, Faye, and Joni. So we're probably going to get there eventually. And what follows is a Thanksgiving wishlist of sorts.

What else we would like to have:
More sides

Another main dish like a ham or a beef roast of some kind for the non-turkey eaters would be nice. More sides are needed (potatoes please). Vanessa is planning on bringing a bottle of hard liquor with a mixer or two, so if anyone else wants something other than that to drink.... Non-alcoholic drinks are needed as well as desserts.

What next?

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5 comments: to “ Thanksgiving Menu Update


    Of course Vanessa is providing liquor... lol

    Anyways, my mom will prepare tri-tip and caesar salad. I'll provide the mashed potatoes. I'd like to request yams and deserts. We'll have sodas and stuff. I'll post with any future updates.


    ask my parents if we're even going to be there and then let me know what needs to be done something easy like a pie or something. actually....i'll bring the 360 and someone bring rock band 2 and that'll be my contribution.


    okay okay...MAMA and i will bring arroz caldo. i have to perfect that recipe anyways.


    What Mama and I? You're not going to ask Mama to show you how to make arroz caldo again and just bring that to Thanksgiving are you? That would be cheating Lindsey and very Un-Thanksgiviney.


    okay so I have not been on here in awhile again, but I am going to bring stuffing, vegetable casserole, and a dessert. Let me know if I need to bring meat dish other than the vegetable casserole. Let me know, send me an email at kcbabyshy@yahoo.com