
About Last Night

Well where to begin? First, Jade lived up to his reputation as a lightweight. I will give him credit for holding his liquor but the guy does turn into a talkative drunk relatively quick. How quick? Well far be it for this lightweight to say how much of a lightweight someone else is. Also, so impaired was Jade that he actually argued that Jello shots were for girls while expressing his affinity for daiquiris in the same breath.

Speaking of drinking, chocolate cake shots, while looking nothing like chocolate, are surprisingly tasty.

This is not to say that the whole night was about drinking. There was plenty of food ranging from bbq chicken to balut and an ice cream cake to boot. Activities ranged from playing the Wii, EJ has a heavier brain than Sara; finding out that EJ and Sara only read books with Harry Potter as the main character; taking a tour of Roland's new toy, it has Vortec if you haven't heard; debating which sports were worthy of disapproval, soccer won; and wondering why Meka was crying when he wasn't even bleeding, several times.

What next?

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