
Well What Do We Have Here

Long lost family perhaps? I have no idea. Probably not. And that only adds to my irritation because their page is ranked #2 by Google in a search for "Fonacier," right ahead of Uncle Wilson's site, while this site is nowhere to be found on the first two pages of Google. What do I have to do to get some Google love?

Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier, Fonacier.

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1 comments: to “ Well What Do We Have Here

  • Anonymous


    tbmfcjwzBennett Fonacier is Romeo's son, Romeo's is Domingo's and Virgie's brother. More reason to attend the reunion.

    Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit....