
07' Family Reunion Pictures

As requested by Uncle Arthur on the thread on Geni (yes I do read it)...

Here is a link to some Family Reunion pictures, some of which I took on my camera, and some that Lindsey or Austin took.

click me to see the pics

p.s. Please disregard the pictures from the L.A. County Fair at the end of the album haha

p.p.s. I also posted a link to Thanksgiving pictures in the comments section of an earlier post.

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3 comments: to “ 07' Family Reunion Pictures


    Thanks for the pics. The notion of a reunion is to break down the walls of anonymity - know each other's name - especially the hosts'. Manong Lito, I just had to call you; not to apologize, but laugh with you & Manang, as outlaws do. Nice, EJ!


    The intuitive way to aggregate all our photos in one location is to all post our photos on flickr and tag them with "fonacier family reunion" and another tag of "2007". The power of web 2.0

  • Anonymous


    Web 2.0 is a myth propagated by known terrorists.