
Remembering Papa II

As you may or may not all know, I'm a bit of a political nerd - which happens to be just one type of nerd I am. So being the political nerd that I am the following strikes me as particularly amusing.

One of the few stories about Papa and Mama that will always stay with me is how they happened to choose their political affiliations here in the US. As some of you may not have known, Papa was a registered republican and Mama is a registered democrat. Having became aware of that fact I asked how that came to be. I don't know if it was the idealist or the romantic in me, but I more than expected a tale of passionate, intelligent political discourse followed by an agreement to respect one another's beliefs as they went their separate ways when registering to vote; and despite diverse political ideologies they were able to maintain a committed loving relationship. So that's what I wanted to believe.

Well here's the truth. I was told that they were at Fedco when they saw a pair of lines to register to vote. I don't know if they thought it was their duty as American citizens to register or what but they decided to get in line. Of course, in true filipino style, they decided to each go into separate lines to make the process of getting registered quicker. Turned out that the lines were distinctly separated for purposes of registering republicans in one line and registering democrats in the other line. So without giving a thought about their political beliefs and which party best represented those beliefs they got into separate lines hoping that the lines moved fast so that they could finally get out of Fedco.

So that is the tale of how Papa came to be a republican and how Mama came to be a democrat.

What next?

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