
A Nation Of Pussy Ass Kids?

yaz: parents are weird and so damn overprotective
Bruin7089: yours are?
Bruin7089: or in general?
yaz: Not mine
yaz: New parents
Bruin7089: do you care to tell me why you're thinking this?
yaz: I am not saying anyone in specific
yaz: But they freak out abuot germs and shit
yaz: like my brother
yaz: if someone coughs it is like they go all michael jackson on the kids
yaz: Fucknig masks, sequester the kids
Bruin7089: maybe it's just one of those things we can't understand because we're not in that role
yaz: Bubble kids
yaz: Fuck that
yaz: I hope my kid gets every illness, besides the ones that kill you
yaz: Makes them stronger
yaz: we are really breading a generation of pussy ass kids
Bruin7089: well that's the thing
Bruin7089: how do you know it's not the illness that will kill the kid?
yaz: Seriously, it is getting out of hand
Bruin7089: it's your first kid
Bruin7089: i bet if your brother has a second kid
Bruin7089: He'll be less overbearing
Bruin7089: or protective
yaz: he has one
yaz: same damn thing
yaz: It is ridiculous
yaz: Has to be complete silence and darkness for the kids to sleep
yaz: I mean come on
Bruin7089: are you mad because you couldn't watch tv with them in the next room?
yaz: I want my kids to be able to sleep through a fucking train wreck
Bruin7089: did they interrupt your Gossip Girl time?
yaz: I am pissed because this country is going to hell in a pussy ass hand bag full of pussy ass kids
yaz: No spanking, organic baby food, no germs, no playing in the dirt, no getting sick, no going out in the rain, here's a fucking trophy when you lose
yaz: Dont run up the score, it hurts kids feelings
yaz: No strikeouts in baseball
Bruin7089: jesus
yaz: Rewards for doing what you are supossed to do
yaz: No chatter on the baseball diamond
Bruin7089: why don't you just go over to your brother's and hit the kid
yaz: My kids are going to hate me
Bruin7089: yeah right
Bruin7089: you talk tough now
yaz: My wife will divorce me for being mentally abusive to my kids
Bruin7089: she's supposed to divorce you because you're spending too much time at work alone with the hot secretary
yaz: Well that too
yaz: I hope
Bruin7089: so you're getting divorced on more than one ground
Bruin7089: nice
yaz: Well I mean if you are going to go, go big right?
Bruin7089: A future husband and father of the year in the making
yaz: I try my best
Feel free to discuss. I'm particularly interested in knowing if any of the youngin's in our family is in danger of becoming one of these "pussy ass kids."

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