
New Year's Resolutions

Surprised; that's how I would describe myself last night after I had asked people individually about their New Year's Resolutions. Not because people came up with exciting ideas to better themselves but because, other than EJ, everyone pretty much blew off coming up with resolutions for this year. At first I thought they were just too busy, lazy, or had forgotten to come up with one but given time they simply refused to come up with any. I joked that it was probably because they were perfect so there was no need them to partake in a time honored tradition.

The common attitude seemed to be, what's the point? Not that it was too hard to come up with something or that they simply had forgotten to formulate one but a definite "who cares" attitude prevailed. Or more precisely - since by asking, I for one did care - it was a "why should I care" attitude. When did a majority of my aunts, uncles, and cousins stopped caring to consciously commit - because I'm talking about New Year's Resolutions here I use the term "commit" loosely - themselves to self-improvement?

Anyway, I thought it would be both insightful to see what others thought they would like to improve themselves on and fun to encourage/discourage them from doing so. Instead I come away a little disappointed.

Picture Credit.

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5 comments: to “ New Year's Resolutions


    * Program open source projects
    * Run more
    * Eat better
    * Read more
    * Try not to hate extended family so much


    1. eat healthier (smaller portions, more salad, less fast food etc.)
    2. work out with this p90x program my friends are doing and stick to it
    3. learn/master CAD software like SolidWorks
    4. learn FEA (Finite Element Analysis) for work
    5. be nicer to Sara
    6. get a million fans with Popes Gone Wild

  • Anonymous


    "Eat healthier (smaller portions, more salad...)," sounds like you're becoming your woman.

    Thanks for not trying to hate us so much Austin.

    Can't believe I didn't make a PGW resolution.


    Agreed with the PGW resolution.


    - Eat like an anorexic
    - Snowboard more
    - Don't yell at the boy often
    - Get a raise at my job
    - Get my six pack and a Rhianna booty
    - Help out more with family stuff
    - See my parents more often
    - Start out a business project
    - Do more adventurous stuff
    - Travel
    - Catch up with old friends
    - Take my sister out to the clubs
    - Teach Annalynne how to pimp the boys
    - Give more hugs and kisses to EVERYONE! puhahah NOT!