New Layout
Like? Dislike? Hate? Am I missing anything in the sidebars that you would like to see? Let me know.
Finish your food!
Like? Dislike? Hate? Am I missing anything in the sidebars that you would like to see? Let me know.
Posted in Site News by W
The design looks good.
I dig the new do also Mr. W. I think I am the only person who keeps this site open on my comp all day when I am at work. HAHA!!!
lame Faye, but not as lame as someone (Austin) who webcasts himself at work
Damn..no I don't have that capability at work. Wish I had a mac here. Hmm maybe I should go use one of the designers comps and cast myself live too.
So what is all of your V day plans tonight. Jason told me that I better get ready for Taco Hell or Dell Taco tonight! GOOD TIMES!!
Don't listen to EJ! Everyone keep this site as your homepage and refresh constantly. Also, keep on webcasting yourselves.