
Emmy Nominations 2008

Pick your favorites in the comments and let me know if you think any show got left out.

Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men

Boston Legal
Mad Men

The Amazing Race
American Idol
Dancing With The Stars
Project Runway
Top Chef

Antiques Roadshow
Dirty Jobs
Extreme Makeover
Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List

The Colbert Report
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Late Show With David Letterman
Real Time With Bill Maher
Saturday Night Live

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1 comments: to “ Emmy Nominations 2008


    Comedy Series: Entourage

    I haven't watched any of the nominated shows this past season for which they're up for. Based on previous seasons though I have to go with Entourage. It's not the funniest comedy show, that would be 30 Rock for me, but it's my favorite.

    Drama Series: House

    I've seen at least bits and pieces of each of these shows. I like Boston Legal a lot but it never became a must watch. As for Dexter, it has an interesting premise, but the show is only good when it focuses on the title character. Mad Men is interesting with a great look but it seems to take itself too seriously. While House is formulaic as far as episode plots go, the characters are interesting and House is too funny not to be enjoyed, so it's my pick.

    Reality Competition Program: Top Chef

    The Amazing Race is great but too often the rules of the game tightens up the "race" too much to make it a true race. Top Chef is probably the only "reality competition" show where talent is allowed to shine and win.

    Reality Series: Dirty Jobs

    Not a big fan of this genre. Haven't seen a full episode of Dirty Jobs because it gets too tedious but the host is funny so the show wins my favor.

    Variety, Music, Or Comedy Series: Real Time w/Bill Maher

    Basically a bunch of shows that like to make fun of my political leanings. That's not to say I don't find them funny, I actually do at times. The smartest of these Anti-Bush's is Maher so he gets my vote.

    To me the biggest snub is Friday Night Lights in the Drama Series, if that were nominated I would have gone with that show over House even though the past season wasn't all that great compared to its amazing 1st season.