
20 Questions

(ED.'s Note: Pretty easy to figure this out by the time you read the answer to question #10 and really easy after #18, so if you guess who correctly before then feel free to give yourself a gold star.)

  1. What is your favorite word?

  2. Quirky

  3. What is your least favorite word?

  4. Button. Apparently I don't say it right.

  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

  6. Possibly Europe. I still have a lot of place to visit in Europe, so I'm not too sure where specifically.

  7. If you won the lottery what would you do with all that money?

  8. Put the money in some sort of bank account with high interest rates. Let it ride for a bit and then live the high life. Maybe buy out a company or something.

  9. What sound do you love?

  10. Rain hitting the window. It's calming esp when you don't have to go out.

  11. What sound do you hate?

  12. Its a tie. The cats wrestling throughout the night only because we have hardwood floor. Or the alarm clock.

  13. What is on your iPod?

  14. Random songs that I hear on the radio that I like. I have yet to completely transfer my iTunes over to my iPhone. But I do have my favorites like britney spears, kanye west, rise against, john legend, dave Matthews band, and mix CDs people have made me.

  15. If you have or had a TIVO/DVR, what is or would be on it?

  16. Let me remind you I have two roommates so it's not all mine. Gossip girl, two and a half men, the hills, and various football games and movies.

  17. What turns you on?

  18. Massages

  19. What turns you off?

  20. Hand on feet or feet on feet action. I hate feet. I may have to change my major because everytime I touch someones nasty feet I want to throw up.

  21. What quality do you most appreciate in a friend?

  22. Well what I love about my roommates is our openess and honesty with each other.

  23. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of film would it be and who would it co-star?

  24. A movie with julia Roberts.

  25. What is your favorite curse word?

  26. I don't like cursing but I say the f word quite a bit. It's a bad bad habit.

  27. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

  28. I loved the simpsons, however growing up at mama's house and being the youngest I had no choice in what cartoons I wanted to watch. So I watched whatever everyone else wanted to watch.

    And yeah I wasn't really allowed to watch cartoons. But tonight I had an epiphany and my favorite cartoon was Inspector Gadget. (ED.'s Note: Added per Lindsey's comment.)

  29. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

  30. Forensic science...damn csi for that.

  31. What profession would you not like to do?

  32. Teacher...I'm horrible at telling stories and explaining things.

  33. What 3 things would you take with you to a desert island?

  34. Costco, books, and a friend.

  35. Which 3 people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner and what would you serve?

  36. Abby, michelle kwan, and papa.

  37. What would you like said at your funeral?

  38. What I wouldn't want said is the trip to vegas. But I would like people to say nice things about me and their fondest memories of me.

  39. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  40. Welcome..?

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2 comments: to “ 20 Questions


    Exactly how do you pronounce "button?" Do you say butt-on? Because that would be awesome.

    Am I the only one who isn't going to list Papa as one of the three I'd like to have dinner with?

    Britney Spears? Really?

    What kind of movie with Julia Roberts? Another romantic comedy co-starring her? Or something different?

    What? You weren't allowed to watch cartoons at home? So sad.


    ok ok yeah i do say it like that.

    and what you wouldn't want to have dinner with papa? all i remember is him honking his horn when i was late getting out of class.

    and yes britney spears. i did ditch high school to see her on the show seacrest live.

    and i guess the only movies she did were romantic comedies so it'd have to be one of those.

    and yeah i wasn't really allowed to watch cartoons. but tonight i had an epiphany and my favorite cartoon was inspector gadget.