
20 Questions

  1. What is your favorite word?

  2. Boobies

  3. What is your least favorite word?

  4. The N word.  (ED's Note: "No?")

  5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

  6. San Francisco or Chicago. I have never been to Chicago but from what I hear about it, I would love it.

  7. If you won the lottery what would you do with all that money?

  8. I love this question. I think about it all the time. I would retire my parents immediately. After that, I would sit down with a financial planner and plan out how to invest this money into a no risk fund and spend money off the interest.

    To tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't give my extended family anything. I would hate the give a mouse a cookie syndrome to go down. Instead, I would give all my once removed cousins college scholarships.

    As for me: I would love to get several homes. One in the middle of downton San Francisco. One would a beach house of sorts and would be a bad ass ranch somewhere in Colorado. Cars I would love my dream car Shelby GT 500e. I also wouldn't mind a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 (White), and a Ferrrari F430 Spyder (Red).

    Like I have said, I have given this alot of thought.

  9. What sound do you love?

  10. The sound of baseball fans erupting have a home run of sorts.

  11. What sound do you hate?

  12. People scratching black boards. Shit gives me the chills.

  13. What is on your iPod?

  14. The Go! Team, The Black Kids, Blondie, Led Zeppelin, N.E.R.D., Hot Chip, Vampire Weekend, Rilo Kiley, The Pipettes. For more of what I listen to it can be found: http://www.last.fm/user/austinrf

  15. If you have or had a TIVO/DVR, what is or would be on it?

  16. Friday Night Lights, 24, Lost, It's Always Sunny, Seinfeld, and King of the Hill

  17. What turns you on?

  18. Women rocking the librarian glasses.

  19. What turns you off?

  20. Liars

  21. What quality do you most appreciate in a friend?

  22. Friends to keep me as friends even though I am flakey as hell.

  23. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of film would it be and who would it co-star?

  24. Action. I want to be a Jack Bauer bad ass. As far as the co-star would go, I would take Tina Fey. She's hot, funny, and rocks the librarian glasses

  25. What is your favorite curse word?

  26. Fuck

  27. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

  28. Transformers. Pre Michael Bay bullshit movie.

  29. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

  30. Culinary chef. Stupid cooking channel getting everyone interested in cooking.

  31. What profession would you not like to do?

  32. Anything nasty. Cleaning up public restrooms would be the absolute worst.

    (ED.'s Note: Oh, I wouldn't say that would be the absolute worst.)

  33. What 3 things would you take with you to a desert island?

  34. Off the top off my head. A satellite phone, a boat filled with necessary living supplies and sunglasses.

  35. Which 3 people (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner and what would you serve?

  36. Spencer (The Hills): I really want to know if he's that big of a douche in real life. Lance Armstrong: Because he's a bad ass and yes he is innocent. Bill Clinton: My political hero.

  37. What would you like said at your funeral?

  38. No one will dress up and everyone will have a beer in their hand andjust relax. The death of me will not be the end of the world and I acknowledge that.

  39. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

  40. I want God to refer to me as his homie.

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4 comments: to “ 20 Questions


    Heh... you said boobies.

    San Francisco? Really?

    I understand the give a mouse a cookie thing but that's really only a problem if you're not willing to put up mousetraps or call in an exterminator if you know what I mean.

    Wait a sec... I see your parents, your cousins, your 1st cousins once removed mentioned, and yourself... what happened to Lindsey or Denise?

    I've given the Lotto question a lot of thought too even if it's not displayed in the answer I gave. And I gave a lot of thought to college scholarships but I've came around to the thinking that college isn't for everyone and maybe a trust fund of sorts that pays out for college tuition or after they attain the age of 25 works out best.

    Nice cars.

    Still recording episodes of Seinfeld? I suppose it's always nice to have episodes to have on hand.

    The women in librarian glasses reminds me of something that I'll have to update my answers later.

    I really think we've been getting away from the spirit of being on a desert island question. You and I with the boat and Lindsey with her Costco.

    I don't know what Spencer is but I know that Lance Armstrong is a big Pres. Bush backer so that's some dinner party you've got there. By the way, you forgot to answer what you'll be serving at that dinner party.

    I rate your answers a 7.6235


    As for my sister and Denise... I still don't know what I will get them. I would like my sister to have some sort of established career before I give anything substantial to her. As for Densie, I am not too sure

    As for me serving for dinner: Some gourment burgers, fries, Coke / feer. As for dessert probably some apple pie of sorts.


    Who is next up?


    I want to answer 16 Q's; how I go about it?