
To Texas Or Not To Texas?

I'm thinking about moving out to Texas. Darryll has said he would put up with me for a little bit. I'm also beginning to think that a change of scenery might do me good. It just seems like I've been stuck in a rut and pretty much unwilling to get out of it since taking the bar exam. Perhaps being stuck out there with Darryll and Co. will get me going wherever that is supposed to be. It wouldn't necessarily be a permanent move but that doesn't mean I'm going out there with plans on moving back.

Obviously, I would miss family that is here, which would include not only my mom and my sister but also the rest of you guys, my cousins.

Basically, should I go to Texas and get on with the rest of my life already or should I stay here and somehow, someway (a way and a how I have yet to find after all this time patiently afforded to me) find my way out of this rut I've gotten myself into?

Anyway, no plans have been made yet for me to leave, but I'm seriously considering it and would appreciate advice or any other input whatsoever from you guys because I'd like to make my decision based on as much information as possible and I value what you guys think.

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